I create artwork because I am astonished at the juxtaposition between chaos and order in nature.
“Tracy Bultje lives gracefully in a world where the exchange between the commonplace and the extraordinary hinges on the possibility of transcendence. Her work is personal, direct and sincere and offers the best a painting has to impart: a singular vision of shared experience.”
Jordan Broadworth, artist
“For Tracy Bultje, the artistic process begins with a clear and certain experience of presence…Tempting as it is to simply live that moment, Bultje pulls back ever so slightly and begins the process of translating it all into a language that can be sustained and shared…Not only does she attempt to bridge the boundaries and the gaps which trouble so much of our lives, but she does so in a way that attempts to arrive fully resolved, steeped in faith and ready- like a gift.”
Phil Vanderwal, curator
“Tracy’s finished paintings are a glorious tangle of brushstrokes that give the appearance of being spontaneous and energetic, while also incredibly planned and deliberate. A masterful combination!”
Alissa Sexton, curator